One Year
And something we think is pretty neat -
It rained last year on our wedding day
and it's raining today on our anniversary! :)
Here's a little note I wrote for Andrew;
"Dear Husband,
Today is our one year Wedding Anniversary!
It's definitely been a tough first year of marriage
and we have gone through so much,
but we made it and I have no doubt that our marriage
is going to last for the rest of our lives.
We are stronger now than we have ever been
and my love for you grows with every breath of each and every day!
You are not just my Husband but you are my Best Friend!
You are my rock and what completes me.
You always listen to and support me
and you're just always there for me whenever I need you.
I'm so thankful that God brought you into my life.
I love you with all of my heart and soul,
all the way to the moon and back and MORE!
Thank YOU for loving me! ;)"