I'm no good at this.
There's a new blog theme, I really like it, it's clean and simple and maybe it will also give me some motivation to update more. I really am horrible at this whole blogging thing. I always want to blog, I love writing but my life is so routine and can be pretty boring at times, I just don't feel like I ever have anything worth writing about. I really should start taking post-its with me where ever I go so I can write down anything that might seem blog worthy.
Can you believe Thanksgiving is next Thursday? It literally snuck up on us. We are hosting dinner at our house again this year and I'm getting insanely excited for it. I absolutely love holidays! I love entertaining and cooking for people, it's so much fun. I can't wait, I've literally been counting down the days till my family will all be here together. We are having our Thanksgiving on Saturday the 28th so that my sister will be able to come, she has to work the day after Thanksgiving and lives in Mass so she wouldn't be able to come on Thursday. But as long as she can come, we don't mind having it a few days late!
Daylight savings time is evil. It's now getting dark by 4:30(ish) which is super depressing. Andrew and I have been going to bed by 7pm which is insanely ridiculous but sadly true. He falls asleep pretty quickly and I lay awake and read for a while, I try not to go to sleep till at least 8 which still seems pretty pathetic. We are officially an old married couple that happens to go to bed even earlier than our parents do. Oh, and you supposedly gain an hour of sleep, ummm no, not us. We are awake super early everyday because our bodies have not adjusted to the new time yet. Daylight savings time really and truly is EVIL.